Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm more than 90% done with a summer mixtape/beat tape, which is 5 of the beats I've made over the summer mixed together into one song something along the lines of how The Avalanches are, and I'm really happy with it.  So be sure to check that out soon, along with a make over of my myspace which I'll try and start using kicking off with this tape.  Hells yea.

Also, its funny to look back at last week's post and try and figure what I meant by commercial venture.  It really started because the bottom line is me (and everyone else who makes music I'd guess) wants to figure out how one can economically sustain oneself just making music.  So I was going to try and create something from more of a hip hop productions standpoint and just sell beats.  So I tried to make beats that sounded viable for some MC looking to buy or something along those lines (who the hell buys beats anyways? I actually don't know) and I immediately felt weird, because I wasn't really sure what I was doing different other than just trying to create a more commercially-appealing face.  

Anyways, I'm just going to pimp up my myspace and throw out this mixtape to the world which is a good survey of the range of different stuff I've been making, and maybe somewhere along the way someone will give me money.  huzzah!

1 comment:

Weston said...

fans want the muuuuusic!