Monday, July 13, 2009

this is what I do at work

...chill on the internet for waaaay too long. Seriously.

Anyways I thought I'd share to the world what my set-up is, because I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of what I've developed over the years because a) It's different from anyone else's set up I've ever seen and b) since the beginning of 2009 it's finally reached the point of being what I've always wanted it to be, minus the fact I really really need a new computer. So BAM here's my set up:

Hidden are the stacks and stacks of vinyl I've accumulated from crate digging. Also my turntables (ie children) are also a testement to why I'm in love with craigslist.....$400 for the two tables (Technics MK1200s) + coffin case + mixer which has since died and been replaced by a much better one with a good effects rack which I abuse like Joseph Jackson abused the Jackson 5. Too soon........

Also I just recieved message that Petestock is cancelled. Fuck. Looks like my drought of playing live will only continue; I swear to make up for it once Oberlin starts.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer time, livin's easy...

As per usual, time is flying by as the july 4th summer "checkpoint" (like from Cruisin USA or something) has come and gone. The 4th was sweet, after fireworks at Little Italy (they shoot them off in the middle of the street so its kind of like a warzone) me, Weston and Wan went to the Euclid Tavern and saw the Double Team do some mashup goodness and partied hard. Then aftewords we lured a sizeable crowd to our own house 2 minutes away and got to witness seemingly never ending freestyling amidst improv hip hop jamming; great times. I love Coventry Kids.

Anyways just because I release stuff doesn't mean I ever stop! I think I've made somewhere between 10-13 good beats since Hessler Haus, and I liked the idea of the dozen minute trip so I think I want to make another beat tape with 5-6 beats. I just need to pick and choose which ones to use and then start actually arranging and composing, since right now all my beats consist of either 8/16/32 bar riffs qued up with some vinyl experimentation. It takes an extra level of focus to get myself to stop making new stuff and to work with what I have and spend the time mixing it all. In Ableton Live speak, I spend almost all my time hanging out in session view and I'm always avoiding jumping into arrange view.

Also later this month I'll be driving over to New York to play with Ricky at a festival in upstate NY called Petestock. Looking forward to that, especially since I feel like its been forever since I played live.

and following the mantra "if you can't beat them, join them" since I always felt like it was a passing fad and I have my reservations on the internet making people more and more visible or transparent, I just decided 5 minutes ago to try twitter. Add me friends: