Sunday, April 26, 2009

epic fail

So, to make a long story short, we never made it to HOWBOUT.  We were on the road in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania (Lamar to be precise) when we got detained by the police and our car impounded because of marijuana.  Stranded, we unfortunately failed in trying to find a way to make it to the festival, and ended up having to take a greyhound back to Oberlin in defeat.

Yes this trip was suppose to be our big break and exposure, but shit happens.  It's tempting to let this defeat lead us to give up, but we don't do that.  Anyways we'll try and make it up by playing near future around Oberlin/Cleveland, but yea this weekend sucked hardcore.  

Monday, April 20, 2009


If you're around New England this weekend you should come to this awesome dual festival happening between Vassar and Wesleyan.  it's like 6 bands from each school plus 6 other touring bands are switching between the 2 campuses, and plus we'll be around both.  Vassar on thursday night plus playing over the weekend at both colleges.  Hell.  Yes.  

also go Cavs.  today rocks.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring on the horizon...

So now that Ohio weather is starting to cooperate a bit more, things should be a bit more condusive now to copious ammounts of music.  While dorm jamming has been great, it is time to leave these walls and play.  Right now, possibilities for JiggaWatt performances are:

-TGiF at Oberlin (possibly tomorrow, but rain is suppose to happen again so it's been a bitch trying to find a friday where it doesn't rain these days)
-WOBC Music Festival 
-Some dual music festival at Vassar and another East Coast school 
-Hessler St (aka my home for Summer 09 OH SNAP)

anyways we're just looking to play as much as we can and I'll be sure to post when things get interesting.  If you have anything, ranging from a festival to a house party, let us know and we'd be down to play.  If you're a band in a similar situation, I'd be more than happy to try and set you up with a show here, so contact me if you'd like to trade shows or anything of that nature @

Other than that, I'm also now scheduled to teach Introduction to Turntablism next semester at Oberlin, which will be a sick class.  The catch: there's a $35 entry fee, where all the entry fees are pooled together and go towards buying 2 turntables and a mixer for the class which everyone learns on.  At the end of the year the entire class enters in a DJ Battle against themselves, where the winner walks away with the set up to call their own.  I'm excited.